Your life is addressing these
questions to you:
What has brought you to this place
in your journey, this moment in your life?
What gods, what forces, what family,
what social environment, has framed your reality,
perhaps supported, perhaps constricted it?
Whose life have you been living?
Why, even when things are going
well, do things not feel quite right?
Why does so much seem a disappointment,
a betrayal, a bankruptcy of expectations?
Why do you believe that you have
to hide so much, from others, from yourself?
Why does life seem a script written
elsewhere, and you barely consulted, if at all?
Why have you come to this book,
or why has it come to you, now?
Why does the idea of your soul
trouble you, and feel familiar as a long lost
Is the life you are living too
small for the soul’s desire?
Why is now the time, if ever it
is to happen, for you to answer the summons of
the soul, the invitation to the second, larger